It was blissful.
We had a great conversation,
Until midnight,
Until dawn.
It was peaceful,
Reminiscing our youth,
Remembering the good old days,
The process of discovering.
Green and blue were the colors,
You were happy,
Smiling from ear to ear,
While the world broke your heart in two.
You found the other half of your broken heart.
You asked for help,
And I'm the one you chose.
Twenty notebooks,
And you couldn't rid any of them.
Years and years,
And you stayed the same.
Things are easily taken away from you.
But you kept your heart behind the door.
Your body is a moving vessel,
A sacred one, and scared.
Don't worry,
I'm working on this.
One day,
I will walk away.
You were right.
I can't do anything alone.
Flaws and imperfections,
Drive me to work harder.
I won't wait.
But I'll keep my eyes open.
I won't be blinded by the rays of a new day,
No matter how dark the night ahead may be.