Wednesday, October 29, 2014

"And We Wept That One So Lovely Should Have A Life So Brief." -William Cullen Bryant.

Wednesday, 29th October 2014 - 03:12 AM.

I can't sleep.
I've been daydreaming since two hours ago,
Until I realized that my subconscious is talking,
About the loss of my loved ones.

It has been three and two years,
That two of my inspirations left me to a place I cannot follow.
No, I'm not mourning for them right now,
It's just, I'm looking back on this moment of my life as such a sweet time of grieving.

My heart was broken back then.
I can't move on, all I did was mourn and cry and be done with it.
But yes, my life was changing.
Respecting and remembering and getting on at the same time.

I was like,
I wanted to walk to where you sleeps,
But I shall go on,
Living this life without you two.

Years go by,
And now it's 2014.
If you have ever lost a loved one, then you know exactly how it feels.
That you couldn't live for very long without a heart.

When you lose someone you were close to,
You have to paint a new picture of the world and your place in it.
I was wrapped up with the deceased,
So, the more difficult the loss.

No one could ever replace the boy in my life back then.
I'm not saying that the new one has to be like him, no.
But I'm in searching of that kind of figure,
A figure, who protects.

This is my own rhythm of suffering,
A deep hole of ache,
A bitter agony,
From a woman named "Ezekiel".


  1. Good morning ezekiel.what happened?i guess you miss the boy who changed your life back then aite?me too.i went to see him a couple days ago and i brought him flowers.too bad i didnt brought you with miss him i know.always.and about the If you have ever lost a loved one, then you know exactly how it feels"yes i know exactly how it lost him,i lost you, its all the same.but the difference is you cant hold him nor talk with him.ezekiel,i know there must be something happened to you cuz ari brought you back to a time where the two of you are cannot bring ari back so stop bringing him back.i know he cannot be replace by someone least you have these people who love you very much and you can count on them.this is your biggest problem,you always beg for his existance when you are having a big problem.learn to cry on your own shoulder dear,i know you can do it.i miss him to so i send him prayers.have you sent a prayer for him today?i hope you are a very tough girl ezekiel.we love you.have a good day sasa,i miss you.

